What are sensorimotor skills, how do they develop and why do they matter?

Why early years swimming lessons are so beneficial to the development of sensorimotor skills We receive sensory messages through our sensory systems;  Vision, hearing, sense of taste and smell, touch, vestibular (balance/equilibrium) and proprioception (movement of muscles) From the information we receive through these senses our clever brains process this ‘sensory input’ and produces a […]

From Mum on Poolside to Merbabies Swim Teacher

Teacher Lesley Knox’s Journey  Our Merbabies experience started when my partner wanted to take our son swimming as young as we could and he found Merbabies. We started taking Luke along aged 11 weeks old (Now 13 months) and he loved it from day one. I loved the classed so much and could see the […]

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